
Hell (Coven)

You make me wanna pimp slap a ho.
Set at 01:43 on June 01, 2011

Vampire Rave member for 17 years.

Status:  Changeling (71.20)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Hell (Coven)
Mentorship Pupil of Pearls Of Wisdom.
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  January 1, 2007
Age:  17

Monticello, Arkansas



Bite MorbidLullaby

Stalk MorbidLullaby


I walk between two worlds, one dead, the other powerless to be born...

Welcome to this world of mine!

I'm a proud coven member of Mercury's Lair.

As with the rest of life, there is more to me than meets the eye. If you think you have me figured out, you're quite likely wrong. Give it a go. :)


Journey (by none other than myself):
I have come to seduce you to your final sin. Walk with me into the deeper, darker recesses of the psyche and ultimately of the soul. Allow me to guide you on this journey. Take my hand. Enter this world of death, destruction, chaos, desire, deviancy, and propagation of every conceivable human vice. Stray no further than the smell of my perfume emanates, that sickly sweet scent of long-dried roses, burning leaves, and the earthy scent of freshly-turned soil, open to receive the offering of the newly dead into its keeping. I offer you no promise of protection should the wraiths and shadows claim you as their own. Tread lightly. Mind the path. Most of all, know yourself and remain strong in the face of your worst nightmares come to fruition. Now we begin, one guide and one traveler, into the depths where time has no meaning, pain knows no bounds, and the existence of reality itself is questionable. The only price is that of your crimson life upon my tongue, of your very mortality in sacrifice to the darkest deities of lust. Shall we?


I have 2 little blonde-haired, blue-eyed daughters. They rock my world. I love them infinitely. My life was changed profoundly for the better when I had them both. I have never been more proud of anything in my life.

I'm not always pretty, but I'm real.


I have always been fascinated with vampires. I can't remember a time when I WASN'T.

I LOVE awesome quotes! They totally do it for me. ;o)

"The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause."
-Mark Twain

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I find piercings and tattoos hot. I have both. I also want more of both. I'm working on ideas for tattoos as we speak.


I have a BS in psychology. I minored in Human Services and Biology. Don't ask.

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I love people. I like some a lot more before they open their mouths and speak. Out, out, you demons of stupidity!

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I am agnostic. Organized religion, in general, isn't my thing. I consider myself spiritual, yes...but not religious. Honestly, hypocrisy gives me indigestion.

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I'm afraid of clowns. There's something just not right about them. Can you say Gacy? Yeah, it's pretty safe to say that I won't be going to the circus any time soon. lol.


"Those who restrain their desires do so because theirs are weak enough to be restrained." -William Blake

I'm evil in an impish way. *grins*


I love gay clubs and drag shows. The environment is completely exciting, and the sense of acceptance is awesome.


I speak very openly, and you NEVER know what will come out of my mouth next.


I'm a HUGE horror movie freak! Even the crappiest horror film ever produced is A-ok in my book, especially if it's all about vampires or blood and gore.


"There is something pagan in me that I cannot shake off. In short, I deny nothing, but doubt everything." -George Gordon Byron

I love ICP (yes, despite my fear of clowns lol), and if you don't like it you can bite me...please. :o)

I laugh a LOT. I find strange things funny and have a twisted sense of humor. Dig it or don't. No skin off my ass either way.

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My favorite colors are burgundy, black, purple (especially in the plum family), and pink.

"Now I am weary and I can no longer tell good from Evil, and I need someone to show me the way." - Jean-Paul Sartre

I usually smell like "Love Spell" from Victoria's Secret. Body sprays are yummy! I'm addicted to them.

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My favorite perfumes are Truth by Calvin Klein (R.I.P.), Light Blue by Dolce and Gabbana, and Ed Hardy (the pink one). oOo...I also love Guess!

I'm extremely anal retentive about doing laundry. I love doing it, and have certain ways I like it to be done. No exceptions. So, "get your filthy paws offa my silky draw's". ;oP

Dude, caps lock? Really? Annoying and unnecessary.


My favorite candle scent is mulberry. I am very sensitive to scents, and I can't function if my environment doesn't smell pleasant. In other words, I'm a complete candle freak! ;o)


"Thou hast left behind
Powers that will work for thee; air, earth, and skies;
There's not a breathing of the common wind
That will forget thee; thou hast great allies;
Thy friends are exultations, agonies,
And love, and man's unconquerable mind." - William Wordsworth

I adore roleplay.


I don't officially smoke, but I do like the smell of cloves when I'm drinking. They smell awesome!

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Mean people suck. Yeah, and officially, they can suck my butt till my head caves in. Neh. :oP

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I'm almost 5'2".

"We cannot remain long in a conscious state or in consciousness, we must take refuge again in the unconscious since there are our roots." - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

I suck at life, but I'm wicked cool. ;oP


I'm afraid of heights. It's probably a good thing I'm short. lol.

I graduated from college Magna Cum Laude.


"I decline to accept the end of man. It is easy enough to say that man is immortal simply because he will endure: that when the last dingdong of doom has clanged and faded from the last worthless rock hanging tideless in the last red and dying evening, that even then there will still be one more sound: that of his puny inexhaustible voice, still talking. I refuse to accept this. I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance." - William Faulkner

I'm absolutely in AWE of nice eyes and lips!!! They are the first features I notice on anyone, guy or girl.


I am absolutely OBSESSED with SHOES!!! All together, I have over 100 pair.


Don't be a whore. Have some self respect...or at LEAST get paid well. Sheesh.

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I sell crack for the CIA. Ok, not really...but it sounded good. ;o)

"There should be more sincerity and heart in human relations, more silence and simplicity in our interactions. Be rude when you're angry, laugh when something is funny, and answer when you're asked." -Anton Pavlovich Chekhov


I detest being expected to smile all the time. I will smile when I good and fucking feel like it. Better yet, put on your jester suit and do a little jig. Maybe you'll get a smile out of me yet. Hmmm. Ok. No? I thought not. See how it feels being expected to do something that doesn't feel right? I don't smile unless the resulting smile is genuine. At least you will know that what you're getting is the real thing. Now go away.

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Nerdy boys make me hot. There's nothing better than an intelligent man who can carry on a good conversation. Brilliance is intense. Yum. Actually, the same goes for women...if you can carry on an intelligent conversation, chances are you'll grab my attention.


Chances are, if you're boring me, I'm imagining horrible, gory things happening to you, even as you continue to speak.


I love Happy Bunny. His lil rude, sarcastic ass makes me smirk. Yeah. He owns you.

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I also freaking LOVE Invader Zim!


I like people who aren't afraid to be themselves. Whatever your thing is, do it.

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I tend to think too much. I break everything down and totally overanalyze it. It's just what I do. It can cause undue stress at times, but it really does give the ole brain a good workout.


I read a lot. Some of my favorite authors include: Laurell K. Hamilton, Anne Rice, JD Salinger, Harper Lee, Emily Bronte, and Chuck Palahniuk to name a few. Christopher Moore rocks, too. Everyone should read "Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove." While a lot of the authors I listed are contemporary ones, I also thoroughly enjoy the Classics. Someone once said, "Everyone wants to have read the Classics, but no one wants to read them." Ha. I assure you that this is NOT referring to me. Wuthering Heights is one of my all-time favorite books, along with Catcher in the Rye and To Kill a Mockingbird! I also adore poetry. Paradise Lost and The Divine Comedy own my heart. *le sigh*

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Death is inevitable. That's why I intend to squeeze the last second out of every day that I live.

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I'm totally dysfunctional when it comes to sleep. I don't have a regular sleep schedule, well...because I can't sleep enough to get into one. lol. Just call me INSOMNIAC. ;)

I love T-shirts with funny/sarcastic quotes on them. "I used to have super powers, but my therapists took them away." ;o)

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I only date crack whores. haha.

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Chocolate is my drug of choice. Ok, it's my second drug of choice. I'm a dopamine junkie. Accomplishment makes me high as hell.


"The day of the absolute is over, and we're in for the strange gods once more." -D.H. Lawrence

Pull your damn pants up! I mean, c'mon...unless you're a plumber, you have no excuse.


I do not, under ANY circumstance, discuss politics or religion. Most people don't have the capacity to fully grasp either, and they end up making asinine statements that REALLY piss me off and make themselves look like asshats. Spare us both.


"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Mmmm...KoolAid and Everclear. I also like Crown & Coke and vodka & RedBull. Yumz.

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I am sarcastic. Know this. Be one with the information.


If there's a psycho within a 12-mile radius, they will find me. I have made peace with this.


I'm a very free-spirited individual. I don't do well with orders or too much authority...unless I'm in the mood to be submissive. Go figure.

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Cherry chocolate chip is my favorite kind of ice cream.

I LOVE music. I like basically all kinds except jazz. It makes me nervous. Eek! lol.

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Yeah. I don't do the "lists" thing on my profile. It really clutters up the joint, and well...I have issues with not being able to concentrate when my environment's cluttered. If it's that kind of stuff you insist on seeing, go to my Journal. I have all that stuff there, where I felt comfortable putting it.

Maybe it's natural. Maybe it's Maybelline. Whores.

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The following, like "Journey", has been written by me. If you'd like to see more, I add to my Journal from time to time. Feel free to stop by!


Morbid Lullaby:

When the lights descend
Beyond the grasp of either
Heaven or Hell
The sound of evil
Drips from withdrawn fang
The silence becomes deafening
Before time moves once more
From the depths of subconscience
Comes the morbid lullaby

Lulling you
Beyond danger
Into ecstasy
Further than pain can reach
You follow
Wanting to believe
The sweet notes luring you
Away from your own demise
Even as the darkness consumes you
The only thing you remember is
The beauty
Of the morbid lullaby.

So sweet
Yet mired in such yearning
Reaching for you
Touching you in ways
Far too intimate
And beyond comprehension
Confounded, you close your eyes
Leaving behind the world
For the cool, comforting notes
Of the morbid lullaby.


I hope you enjoyed your stay at my online joint. Come back anytime...maybe next time when you can stay a while!


Member Since: Jul 11, 2006
Last Login: Dec 14, 2015
Times Viewed: 18,291

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